Frederick Leroy Bursack, of Winona, died on Wednesday, September 23, at Gundersen Lutheran Hospital at the age of 63.He was born in Marshall, Minnesota, in 1952, to MaryAnn Kolbe and Frederick Bursack, Sr. He was raised in Hendricks, Minn., and graduated from Hendricks High School in 1972.He traveled extensively for ESI doing grain elevator construction, and worked for many years as a beekeeper at Kline's Beekeeping in Marshall. Most recently he worked for CPI in Winona.Fred had a lifelong passion for the outdoors, including hiking, birdwatching, and rock hunting. He was a volunteer river monitor for the DNR, participated in the annual river cleanup, and tagged birds. In order to pursue his love of nature professionally, he received a BA in environmental science from Southwest Minnesota State University in 2008. After graduating, he worked at Camden State Park and Whitewater State Park, both of which he loved.He is survived by his wife, Winona; his brother, James; his sister, Margaret; his daughter, Christine; and his grandson, Connor. He is preceded in death by his brother, Bruce, and his parents.A local memorial service will be held Saturday, Oct. 3, at Whitewater State Park from 2-4 p.m. A second memorial service will be held in Camden State Park on Oct. 10. Condolences may be sent care of the Winona Catholic Worker, 832 W. Broadway.